Grammar and reading comprehension
Please note my style of teaching grammar and reading comprehension.
My approach is philological. A systematic study study of a language and its
grammatical structures. From my mouth you will definitely hear words like
accusative, adjective, adverb, auxiliary verb, b… and so on which I will explain (no
previous knowledge required). This approach demands an effort on part of the learner,
but it promises high learning results and a true understanding of the language.
On demand I can adopt myself to other teaching approaches, but my natural style is
the philological one described above. Likewise I can also form a team with another
teacher with a different approach which will complement mine.
In the practice of conversation the above-mentioned details carry less weight and I
teach it like other teachers do.
My qualifications:
In German: I am a native speaker and I have studied German as a Foreign Language
(for teaching purposes). Read my CV and from among the uploaded documents on
my education and experience read the file number 8.
Am I certified by the famous Goethe-Institut? – Read here.
In other languages: My services in language teaching build, just as my translation
services, on a long and multifaceted academic career and working experience in
different language-related studies and jobs. Look at my translation services and refer
to the qualifications mentioned there.
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