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כרגע האתר שלי זמין רק באנגלית, אבל אתם יכולים להתקשר אליי או לכתוב לי בעברית

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"I would like to recommend warmly and whole-heartedly Mr. Casiano for the Translation Fellowship Program at the Yiddish Book Center. I have known Mr. Casiano for three years as his PhD advisor, and he has always struck me as a very capable and hardworking scholar. His mastery of languages, German, Hebrew, English, Arabic and Persian has been most impressive and should arouse the envy of any scholar working in the field. His ability to address and analyze complex theoretical problems in the field of linguistics and apply them into well documented historical research has been highly remarkable. Mr. Casiano's devotion to scholarship [...] He has read and analyzed very large amounts of theoretical literature and the primary historical sources necessary for his project, working many hours each day. He is the type of student any teacher would wish to have, a student and a person who dedicates his life to learning and scholarship." A professor from Tel Aviv University, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Alliance Center for Iranian Studies